Joie Des Jardin (III)
Written by Mr William Teng 'There are always flowers for those who want to see them.' – Henri Matisse Hi, readers. Happy International Plant Appreciation Day! Welcome to the third instalment of the 'Joie des Jardins' series. Let's start with yet another view of the beautiful Alternanthera brasiliana that was featured in the first post. Photo credit: Mr William Teng This photo was taken of the alternanthera bushes in the plot in front of the parade square. Today, we will look at two other plants. Lantana camara L. ( Lantana, Common Lantana, Shrub Verbena, Spanish Flag, Tick Berry, Bunga Tahi Ayam, Bunga Pagar) Photo credit: Mr William Teng This plant has flowers that will change colour. This plant has flowers that will change colour. That explains the difference in the colour of the lantana flowers at the ornamental garden near the General Office. One of the common names of this plant is ' Bunga Tahi Ayam ' (Chicken Dung Flower). That certainly is a str...